Salt & Anti-freeze Poisoning
During the winter when we walk our dog kin along sidewalks and streets, there are risks for them:
a.) Salting the sidewalks for our safety from slipping actually includes toxic forms of nitrogen like urea and various forms of salt chlorides that sicken dogs who lick their paws.
b.) Anti-freeze is important for cars, but ethylene glycol is extremely poisonous to dogs who ingest it by licking their paws.
Avoid having to problem-solve your dog kin’s vomitting and diherea as well as vet bills…
Look out for them
Keep your dog kin safe by avoiding salted areas and apartment parking lots where neighbors might spill their anti-freeze.
Also, dog booties are an option, covering their paws from exposure to these toxins since they’re all over the place during the winter.
A second option is to wipe down their paws with a wet towel after walks. Both the booties and wipe-down options might take time for your dogs to become accustomed to.
Check-out this recipe for keeping the doggie booties clearn and stink-free.