Immunizations Recipe
The basic immunizations recommended for dogs in the U.S. are the three vaccines listed below. These are really geared toward dogs who are interacting with other dogs. If your dog is isolated or minimally interacts with dogs then this might not be vital for you. Also, dog stool samples are sometimes required for things like boarding, hotels, and training courses. Yes, a poop examination by the vet clinic.
- The three vaccines that vets in most U.S. cities will tell you about are the following: Rabies, DAPP, and Bordetella. If you have a puppy, vet clinics will encourage your puppy to have the Parvovirus immunization, too.
- The cost is about the same no matter where you live across the country. When you called to schedule for your dog to get these immunizations, specifically ask what is the cost for each of them. Because you could do these piecemeal based on your finances. That means you could bring your lovely dog to get one immunization at a time if that’s best for you. It’s typically no big deal to the vet clinic. The only considerations are your finances and your schedule.
- Drop off your dog for a couple hours and come back for her with her immunizations completed.
- Consider taking your dog for a walk or some kind of exercise afterwards to help her release any tension or stress she had from that visit.
Most canine vaccines last for about 3-years. Ask the vet clinic and they’ll give you those details. Also, national and international recommendations for canine vaccines list a bunch more than what is listed above. You can ask your vet clinic or the hotel you want to stay or the dog boarding place, “Which vaccines is my dog required to have?” You choose if you want to give your dog more vaccines than the requirement. There are always risks with vaccines.